1. Revoking the discretionary right of the public institutions managers to choose one of the first five best ranked candidates submitted by the Agency for state employees and establishing an obligation to hire the first ranked candidate;2. Every state institution to publish on its web site the systematization of work places (on the institution's web page);3. To reexamine the exemption of the employees in the Customs administration and the Public Revenue Office from the Law on Civil Servants;4. To adopt an ethical codex in the areas which are not included in the Ethical codex on civil servants (health care, education, institutions, funds, etc.);5. To conduct disciplinary acts for civil servants who violate the articles from the Ethical codex;6. To incorporate the most important articles from the Ethical codex on civil servants in the laws;7. To include a separate budget item for continual training of the public administration employees;8. The employment and advancement of the civil servants to be conducted solely on the basis of merit (the accomplished work results) through consistently abiding by the Law on Civil Servants;9. To introduce professional standards of work, as well as criteria for accountability and responsibility of the civil servants; 10. To consistently apply the system of reward and punishment of the civil servants;11. To introduce elements of a career system so that for filling the higher work positions internal announcements shall be conducted within the institutions in order to maximize the effects from the work experience and knowledge of the public administration;12. To adopt system measures directed towards...